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Prophet Wale Olagunju: Who hasn’t had a bath for 13 years, speaks - The solution to Nigeria’s crisis is total breakup

Prophet Wale Olagunju
How would you react if you heard there was a sane man who hasn’t taken a bath for more than 13 years and is not smelling? Impossible, you might exclaim. may be odd, but it is true. One prophet Wale Olagunju, the presiding Bishop of Divine Seed of God Chapel Ministries in Ibadan, Oyo State, who has neither taken a bath nor had se#x with his wife since 2001, had his first interview with City People, now he's had another interview with Vanguard and this time, his wife spoke too and revealed how she's been coping without se'x.

Read below:

Sir, we are here to get some clarifications on the story we heard about you?
I am Prophet Wale Olagunju, I don’t know what you heard about me. But whatever it is I am ready and all ears.

When did your ministry start?
I received the name of this church in 1994 but before then I have been a prophet, prophesying to people and all my prophesies come to pass. And that was how we started till today. I was at the Ikoyi mountain when the Lord revealed the church to me.

I went to Oke-Anu Mountain in Ibadan where the name of the church was confirmed again to me. I told some pastors about it and they confirmed that is the name of my church. I have been going from one mountain to another until now.

Can you expatiate on that sir?
The Lord God revealed it to me when I was at the University of Ilorin. I met a prophet, by name Bello; he is dead now. He told me that God revealed to him that I was going to be a Prophet but I didn’t believe him. Another prophet told me the same thing but I turned deaf ears to it. In 1984, I met another prophet making it three prophets who told me the same thing.

He told me to be praying and fasting and that is what I have been doing since then. In my rigidity, I saw myself in a vision holding a bible, preaching and prophesying to multitudes of people. This particular vision came seven times, then, I knew, it was a confirmation of all the prophesies. It was at that point that I knew I was in for a serious commission.

So how did this abstinence from bath and se'x for 13 years start?
I saw the handwriting boldly in 1999. In 2000, I was on the mountain (at Akike) where I spent a year praying, asking God to give me more power and ability to prophecy accurately as well as power. I asked God to give me power to do exploit in the ministry.

I wanted power like that of Elijah and Isaiah. But God told me there is a price to pay: “You must separate yourself by abstaining from bath, s#ex, drinking of soft drinks and wine. When I got home, I couldn’t tell my wife. It was a hard task to embark upon.

I kept the word for four months, I was battling with it and at the same time seeking the face of God for more clarifications. So God revealed Himself to my wife and it was confirmed and so since 2001 until now, water has not touched my body. God has been using me and I have been prophesying according to his instructions and to the glory of God, all the prophesies have been coming to pass.

But you drink water?
There is a difference between drinking water and bathing with it.

Are you saying there had not been a time when you mistakenly splashed water on yourself?
I am not a child. There has not been any time that I drank water that it splashed on my body.

What about rain?
I don’t allow rain to touch my body and that is why I don’t go to the mountain during rainy season. The Lord Jesus did not have a wife, it is a price he had to pay. Whoever would be used by God must pay a price. For example, John had no wife and he was in the Island of Patmos alone eating locust.

So you separated yourself from your wife?
I did not separate from my wife in that sense. It was a mutual understanding between us. We still live together as husband and wife. She is my wife and I love her dearly. The only thing is that we don’t have se.x together anymore until God takes away the price from me.

Are you doing this in the name of God?
God instructed me to separate myself from all those things.

Including not having se.x with your wife?
You are emphasising more on se.x. But it was not only se.x and that is what you should know.

How do you discern God’s voice?
Any voice that says you should separate yourself for God and not commit sin is of God. There are two voices. I hear the voice of God and it has been manifesting in my life till today.

As a man of God, what would you advise your church members who also have such call?
My case is totally different from any other man. It is going to be suicidal to imitate what I am doing because it is a price I am paying.

No man should do what he is not instructed to do by God. For instance, prophet Isaiah was told not to wear anything, not even a pant. If such happens today, people would say such person is mad. He is Almighty God.

So if God instructs your husband not to have se.xual interco.urse with you, who am I to condemn God. But, I am not preaching that husband and wife should not have se.xual inter.course. Mine is a supernatural encounter with God.

But you already have a wife. Do you feel you have deprived her of her se.xual right?
It was an instruction from God. God showed the same to my wife. I have a mutual understanding with my wife. We don’t fight, neither do we quarrel over this issue. She is a pastor too.

Do you discuss se.x with her?
We don’t, but we discuss about God, heaven, and how people are suffering in the country and the way we can contribute our quota to humanity.

Do you live in the same room?
We have the same flat but we don’t stay in the same room.

And she does not attract you?
It is the grace of God.

How often do you see her?
Everyday. She is my wife.

Do you have children?
I have three children and they are grown up.

So you got the call after you had your children?
That was how God wanted it. He perfected everything for me.

So, at the time you were given a price attached to your calling…
[Cuts in]: In any calling, there is always a price to be paid. So, my case is not different to the prophets in the bible. For example, God told Samson not to shave his hair, take alcohol, wine, or touch any unclean thing. So, God Almighty works in divers ways. It wasn’t that I decided not to take my bath or have se.x with my wife. I did not abandon my wife. I love my wife and she loves me.

How do you cope with the condition of not taking your bath?
I have no towel.

So, what happens when you smell or develop body odour?
It is the grace of God. I do not smell and that is why He is the Almighty God. What is very difficult for man is possible in the sight of God. God baths me and feeds me.

So you don’t clean up?
I don’t clean up. I don’t want fame that will put me to shame. I don’t want to die.

When were you born-again?
1993. And I want to make heaven with my family, and we are ready to pay the price.

So, what happens when you sweat?
It dries up by itself. I just wake up in the morning and wear my clothe.

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