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Shocking Story of How Man, Samuel Ezenagu was Killed in Shiloh Word Chapel Abuja

The above is the Late Samuel Chukwukadibia Ezenagu, an indigene of Umuogbu village, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria, who was born to the Late Prophet Chijioke and Eunice Ezenagu, January 9, 1977. Late Ezenagu is married to Mrs. Chisom Juliet Ezenagu, and they are blessed with three beautiful kids. Late Samuel Ezenagu was a committed choir member of Shiloh Word Chapel Abuja, Nigeria; one of the administrators and advocate of the Church. He was also part of the media department of the Church and a personal friend of the founder and spiritual head of Shiloh Word Chapel, Abuja, Prophet I. O. Samuel native of Nibo in Anambra state.

Mr. Ezenagu mysteriously took ill 5 months ago while actively working in Shiloh Word Chapel supporting the vision of his friend Prophet I.O. Samuel. This is a man that advertises himself and his ministry as one anointed to cure all manner of sicknesses, like HIV, cancers and others, but Mr. Ezenagu did not receive the healing he so desperately needed, neither was he taken to any Hospital for medical treatment.
Further Prophet I.O. Samuel, the founder of Shiloh Word Chapel Abuja, prides himself as a protege/son of Prophet T B Joshua, the leader of Synagogue Church of All Nations, Lagos Nigeria, hence one would rightly think that when his anointing wasn't enough to deliver the healing that late Ezenagu so desperately needed, he would have rushed him to SCOAN for healing.
Did he do that? NO, instead the sick man was moved out of his home, and was hidden in a hotel room at Top Rank Hotel FCT Abuja, by Prophet I. O. Samuel and his Lieutenant Mr. Okechukwu (Okwuego) Okafor, with specific instruction to the sick Ezenagu and his wife not to tell any of his family members about his condition or whereabout. The said hotel room became the hospital where they kept him, while they misinformed the entire congregation about the whereabout and state of his friend and Church member.
According to the wife of the deceased, Prophet I. O. Samuel ​and Mr. Okechukwu Okwuego ​ contracted a man who regularly visited her husband at Top Rank Hotel and administered a special kind of concoction to late Mr. Ezenagu, during the entire period of his sickness, all was happening without any medical exam, test or doctors diagnosis or prescription. When his condition got worse, Prophet I. O. Samuel and Mr. Okechukwu Okwuego, moved late Mr. Ezenagu, back to his house in Abuja, where he was abandoned and eventually died Saturday, September 20, 2014.
This sick man that needed a doctor or hospital didn't get that when he needed it, but when he died, they rapidly deposited his lifeless body at a mortuary in Abuja, paid and ordered that the body be immediately embalmed, without the consent of anyone from the dead man’s family, not even his wife. Why so fast?
We learn that the family of the late Ezenagu were not notified that their brother was sick for those 5months, furthermore, his three siblings that live in the USA (one of them a medical Doctor) were not told, because the prophet had left specific instructions that they not be contacted. Let’s assume that Late Mr Ezenagu had HIV, wouldn't it have been most prudent to tell his siblings that live oversees who would have helped with the procurement of medication and the like, but No, Prophet I.O. Samuel and his cronies didn't think it was important.
The entire Ezenagu family of Awka, home and abroad has demanded and are willing to pay for an autopsy to determine the cause of death of their ward, because according to late Samuel's Sister (the medical Doctor), HIV does not kill that fast.
She posited that she saw her brother in November 2013 and her brother wasn't sick and neither did he show any symptoms of the HIV, hence an autopsy need to be carried out to determine the cause of death, since no tests were ran on Samuel when he was sick that determined he had the virus and he wasn't admitted or treated in an Nigerian Hospital for HIV, hence there is no medical record anywhere to confirm that sickness that Prophet Samuel claims that the deceased died of.
To add insult to injury, Prophet I.O. Samuel and his Church have refused the Ezenagu family access to their sons remains and have been doing everything possible to make sure that an autopsy is not carried out on the late Mr. Ezenagu, instead they are fighting feverishly to take the corpse back to the deceased hometown and give him a quick burial, which according to Prophet I. O. Samuel was the wish of the dead man. The wife of the dead man refutes that stating that her husband wasn't making arrangements for death or burial because he believed 100% that he was going to live, after all his friend and Pastor was a healer that heals all sickness, he was sure they were going to raise their children together and ultimately grow old with his beautiful wife. That never happened.
Sunday September 21, one day after the death of late Samuel Ezenagu, (a personal friend and confidant of the Founder of Shiloh Word Chapel) a Church insider said that during that Sunday service the so called man of God (Prophet I. O. Samuel) did not announce the passing of ​his friend and confidant, a full and committed member of his church, rather, the man of God conducted his regular Sunday service, and even celebrated his birthday with a special thanksgiving mixed with dancing, rejoicing and celebration.
Come Monday, September 22nd, 2014, the so called man of God, Prophet I.O. Samuel, his lieutenant Mr. Okechukwu Okwuego and their many allies, started a campaign of calumny to discredit and disgrace the dead man saying that he died of HIV. Let's assume for a minute that late Mr. Samuel Ezenagu contacted the AIDS virus, isn't that what his Pastor and friend Prophet I.O. Samuel brags that he does in Shiloh Word Chapel Abuja, healing any kind of sickness and disease, that even his website and his many billboards all over the FCT boast of that.
Wouldn't the simple thing have been to use his hot anointing to heal his friend, but instead the late Mr Ezenagu was hidden away at Top Rank hotel Abuja, probably because his inability to be healed was going to be a big source of embarrassment to this acclaimed healer.
What about his T B Joshua connection, a relationship he proudly boasts about, shouldn't he have flown his dying friend to TB for healing with higher anointing, No, late Mr. Ezenagu, a father of three little children, (with the oldest child, only 4 years old), was left to die. What was his crime? Why would a supposed man of God play God, Pastor, Doctor, Mortician, Judge and Jury.
Prophet I.O. Samuel and Mr. Okechukwu Okwuego and his supporters, as at today, Thursday, September 25th 2014, still denies the Ezenagu family access to their dead sons remains and are still trying by all means necessary to move his corpse to his home town Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria to bury him without conducting an autopsy on him, to determine the true cause of his death.
Nigerians the blood of the late Mr. Ezenagu, is calling for justice and that is not too much to ask. He is dead already, but his soul won't rest in peace until all the parties involved in this elaborate conspiracy surrounding his death are brought to justice.

Rise up Nigeria and defend your voiceless; Ndi Igbo arise and ask questions; all Awka indigenes take to the streets and demand justice for your own, his wife and their defenseless children.

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