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SHOCKING PICS: Girl’s Body Covered With Scales And Boils From Allergy To Sun

The five-year-old from Kentucky has a rare skin condition which causes her excruciating pain when she is exposed to the sun, meaning she spends all summer waiting for winter so she can enjoy the outdoors.The condition, known as non-bullous conprivate part ichthyosiform erythroderma (NBCIE), causes boils and scales all over Georgia’s body, causing her to look like she has suffered horrific burns.

However for Georgia’s mother, Misty, every winter is another miracle for her daughter, who doctors said wouldn’t live past two weeks.

‘When Georgia was born she had scales all over her skin – it looks like she has been burnt. Doctors didn’t think she’d make it,’ she said.
Misty said that having to deny Georgia the normal pleasures of childhood due to her condition, such as her wish to go to Disney Land, is ‘heartbreaking’.

They were also forced to take her out of school because running around with the other children was causing her too much pain.

Despite this, Misty and her husband Sonny are determined that Georgia will live a full happy life.

She said: ‘Georgia is very outgoing and she lets nothing hold her back.’

She says she wants to be a doctor and we continue to encourage her’, Misty added.

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