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The First Creatures to ever Have Se'x in the World were Fish!


Did you know that the first organisms to ever have se'x were fish? Armoured Scottish Fish to be precise. So says Daily Mail.

. It all started 430 million years ago, when these fish first began to developdifferential male and female genitalia, and started engaging in se.xual interco.urse in freshwater lakes where they lived in what is now Estonia, Britain, Sweden and China.

The males reportedly had L-shaped gen'italia, with which they clasped onto the female fishes to ensure that mating was successful.

According to scientist, John Long, “intercourse was not conducted in a missionary position…the only way possible they could do it was sideways, square dance style, with their little arms entangled.”

He also revealed that Armoured Scottish fish had se'x for both recreational and reproductive purposes.

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